Healthcare Solutions
My Vital View offers healthcare organizations a ubiquitous platform to manage
their patients in the most desired and cost effective environment, their
residential home. Improved patient engagement can result in better disease
prevention, by giving patients the tools to self-monitor and change behavior;
greater treatment success, based on increased compliance with lifestyle
changes and therapy; and better clinical decision making, as a result of more
information sharing between the patient and clinician.
Patient Centric Medical Home
In a true Patient Centric Medical Home, the physician makes treatment
decisions together with patients based on individual preferences. They help
patients become better engaged in their own healthy behaviors and
healthcare. My Vital View provides an avenue for clinicians and care givers to
works as a team and automate their care plan on a venue that patients
welcome with open arms, their existing TV. My Vital View allows the care
team to provide constant messaging and reminders of upcoming daily
activities including medication adherence, physical fitness routines, wellness
and education videos, doctor appts, etc. My Vital View allows the care team
to become part of the patient’s life and interact directly through their TV.
Automated Coaching
Case managers feel a large burden in the new connected health environment
when it comes to performing their part in communicating with patients. Many
healthcare professionals feel they experience an information overload and
cannot manage the amount of information received. The My Vital View
platform has designed within the contingency architecture, automated
messaging capabilities that enable case managers to leverage technology in
their delivery and access of healthcare. Most episodic events go unnoticed or
not addressed simply because there are more pressing or higher cost
scenarios monopolizing their resources and attention. Case managers can
create their own automated triage of events, that not only enables them to
delivery consistent messaging with documented read receipts from the
patient, but allows them to touch the patient based on exception, even when it
is something minor. This provides case managers latitude to focus on more
severe situations and events that warrant their personal touch.
Clinical Dashboard
My Vital View offers a HIPAA compliant web based contingency architecture
available on a secure platform and by permission basis. The web portal has
an icon based dashboard, which makes it user friendly and easy for clinicians
to navigate and quickly find pertinent patient information. The health cloud
enables care givers to access on-demand historical diagnostic test results
and calculated patient reports, providing better treatment decisions and
overall communication with the patient at the time of service. . Being able to
review complete and accurate historical test results will help educate the
patient and allow them to identify trends and habits that may lead to
unwarranted complications and exacerbation.
Virtual Visit
The Physician Fee Schedule has continued to decrease reimbursements for
traditional “fee for service”, but has balanced the reductions by introducing or
expanding reimbursements for telemedicine in order to migrate providers
towards their value based payment reform. The intent of any healthcare
organization is to improve quality of care for each patient within its set
population. With telemedicine tools, patients can theoretically engage a
physician or care coordinator anytime, anywhere. They are not limited by
distance; cost or time spent driving to and from appointments. However,
connecting with patients outside of the office visit, and providing ongoing
access and transparency to care and support resources, is challenging,
particularly when it requires coordination between patients, physicians,
clinical staff and third party resources. To meet consumer demands, My Vital
View has a revolutionary platform that enables new ways to connect with
patients and deliver value-add information in a cost effective, easy to access
and simple manner—and in a way that maintains consistency and continuity
throughout the entire treatment process.
Patient Dashboard
The My Vital View cloud is a HIPAA compliant web based contingency
architecture available on a permission basis to anyone the patient authorizes.
Members of the patient’s healthcare team, family or friends will receive
unrestricted, unlimited access to on demand historical patient diagnostic test
results, as well as elect to receive trending or acute episodic event
notifications based on exceptions. Being able to review complete and
accurate historical test results will help educate not only the patient, but
everyone involved with helping to manage their chronic conditions.
Patient Reward
Modifying patient behavior is challenging, but maintaining the patients
motivation and keeping them engaged over time may be even more difficult.
Gamification is a term used to reward patients for adherence to their
prescribed treatment plan. Not all patients react the same to any particular
reward. My Vital View has Gamification technology built into the architecture
and enables any healthcare organization to create a myriad of rewards to
offer to their patients. Each population can be divided into sub groups that are
driven by different rewards, whether it be monetary, entertainment, gifts, and
the like. Gamification is pinnacle to keeping patients engaged and having a
successful population health management program.
Connected Diagnostic Devices
Health care increasingly is subject to demands for improved health and
quality of life. My Vital View home diagnostics aid in responding to such
demands by enabling accurate detection of health risks and disease at earlier
stages and improving treatment and disease management, while diminishing
subsequent health problems and their associated costs. My Vital View
provides accurate diagnostics which serve a key role in the health value chain
by influencing the quality of patient care, health outcomes and downstream
resource requirements. My Vital View connected diagnostics have evolved
with our understanding of biological systems and disease, along with
advances in science and technology. Emerging today are entirely new
categories of diagnostics, based on full continuum of care and personalized
medicine approaches. As such connected products mature, clinicians and
patients will be better able to assess the risks and benefits of care options
and customized health management strategies to optimize individual health
and quality of life.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability world-wide. Managing your blood pressure is the most important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Reducing blood pressure by lifestyle interventions is pinnacle in preventing strokes, heart failure and coronary heart disease.

Compared with the younger population, the elderly have increased susceptibility to infection and are at significantly increased risk for morbidity and mortality due to many common infections. Infections in the elderly, similar to other acute illnesses in this age group, may present in atypical, non-classical fashions.

We know that diabetes is not simply a metabolic disease that changes the body’s ability to make and utilize insulin. It’s also a disease of the vascular system, as excess glucose (sugar) in the blood damages blood vessels. Complicating matters further, older adults with diabetes have a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, renal disease, eye disease, and death than their younger counterparts.

Weight gain is used by healthcare providers as a marker of heart failure decompensation. Increases in body weight are associated with hospitalization for heart failure and begin at least 1 week before admission. Daily information about patients’ body weight identifies a high-risk period during which interventions to avert decompensated heart failure that needs hospitalization may be beneficial.